30 Tips for First Time Travelers to Japan Posted: 01 Jun 2012 02:02 PM PDT Today we are featuring, Steve, a guest blogger and skydiving enthusiast. He’s made a name of himself contributing posts on travel and adventure to hundreds of blogs around the world. So you're traveling to Japan! Lucky you – such a fabulous country, absolutely unique culture, fascinating language and amazing natural beauty. Before you leave, check out our 30 tips for first time travelers to Japan – it's good to know the dos and don'ts firsthand. - Bow to greet a person; bend your body 15 degrees for ward for a casual bow. When you meet elders, bow deeply from your waist.
- Before eating a meal and after finishing it, be sure to thank your host for the meal and their company with a small bow. This is considered good table manners.
- Get Suica cards to travel the subway, metro, Japan Rail and also to pay for items in convenience stores. You can load them up with Yen as you go along.
- Don't use your cell phones on trains and buses. Don't talk to anyone on public transport either. People usually sleep, read or listen to music quietly.
- Drive and walk on the left side – it's the opposite driving direction when compared to the US. Park on the left and use the left side of escalators and elevators.
- Food is expensive, so best to avoid restaurants and Starbucks. Rather, buy bread, spreads, rice cakes and noodles from small local shops, as these are less expensive.
- When you finish eating at a bar, put your bowl up on the counter with your glass and wipe down the counter in front of you with a damp towel.
- Water is safe to drink – whether it is tap water or bottled water. You can refill at any public fountain without worry.
- Buy a map that indicates the names of destinations both in Japanese and in English. Carry a Japanese to English translation book to manage small phrases.
- Carry tissues or hand towels with you – most of the public bathrooms don't have hand-drying facilities, unless you want to use the toilet roll.
- Carry at least 10,000-20,000 yen in cash with you. Most Japanese ATM machines don't accept foreign cards. Also many establishments don't accept credit cards.
- Always carry a notepad with you along with a pen or pencil. You may need to write down what you want, or even draw it if someone doesn't understand you
- Write down the full address of your hotel or destination to show someone in case you're lost. Get it written in Japanese as well.
- When you're ready to pay your bill at a restaurants, cross your forefingers together to form an ‘X’. The waiter will come to you with your check.
- When you want to point towards someone or something, point with your open hand. Pointing at anything with your forefinger is considered rude.
- Don't tip anyone; even waiters will be offended if you do so. Other than in the Roppongi area, tipping is considered unacceptable.
- Public transportation is available only till midnight; if you're stranded after midnight, wait for it to resume at 5 A.M. Avoid expensive taxis.
- When entering a Japanese house, place your outdoor shoes at the doorway. Wear the slippers your host provides.
- Remove your house slippers when you enter a room that is covered with tatami flooring. You can step on tatami mats with your bare or socked feet.
- When you visit the toilet at somebody's home, wear special toilet slippers. Do not wear house slippers in the toilet.
- When you visit a Japanese temple, throw a coin into the offering box and fold your hands in prayer. Burn incense and wave your hand to extinguish the flame; don't blow on it.
- Take photos only in areas where they're permitted. Watch the signs, and ask locals if you're not sure. Don't offend by taking pictures inside temples.
- If you're not sure what to order at a restaurant, indicate one of the plastic food replicas that are displayed near the front of the restaurant.
- If the restaurant waiters don't lead you to a table, it means you can sit anywhere. Wait for a few moments for them to lead you otherwise.
- In a traditional Japanese restaurant, take your shoes off at the entrance and kneel at the low Japanese table. Wear nice socks.
- During formal traditional meals or tea ceremonies, men can sit cross-legged while women must fold their legs neatly under their hips.
- You can give your host, business partner or friend a gift while meeting, parting or during a special occasion. Make sure you pack it in simple brown paper.
- While exchanging cards, stand up, bow slightly and hold your card facing the others with the fingertips of both hands.
- When you receive someone's visiting card, be sure to examine it with pleasure and carefully place it in your wallet. Don't shove it in your back pocket.
- Do not blow your nose in public; try to discreetly wipe your nose or just snort or sniff to control your cold if you have one.
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